Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wiki Leaks

It has been awhile since I felt a need to scream aimlessly with no one hearing (or write on this blog). But hearing that Wiki Leaks is releasing yet more secret documents made me feel the need again.

My main problem with Wiki Leaks is that the argument for it is that the American public deserve to know what their government is doing, and the government should be willing to tell everyone what it is doing. Now I was just recently reading one of my favorite themes and that is secret activities to gain intelligence during the Cold War. Most of the stuff that I can find was released with in the last 5 to 10 years, this is stuff like sending subs into a harbor in Russia to take soundings so that they can get a idea if it is used as a sub port, and tapping a phone line off of the Russian coast that the head honchos in Russia used to communicate. Now if the government had been making all of this public as they went none of it would have succeeded. Like wise if the government were to tell us their candid opinions about how the talks with the Korea's are going, we would soon be at war. There are things that must remain within the government in order for them to do their job. We elected those men and women because we trusted that they could do the job. Now their job is becoming even harder because people do not understand that there is a need for secrecy. A diplomats job is to communicate with other diplomats in a formal almost rehearsed way. Often even during war the diplomats will speak to each other with utmost respect. Does this mean that when he calls his supervisor he maintains that respect for the other diplomat? More than likely he will tell the President or NSA flat out what he thinks the other guy was really thinking or what he thinks the other country is planning. Those conversations are what is going to be released by Wiki leaks, they are not hard facts and they are not even actions, they are simply conversations about foreign heads of states.

It is time for people who do not trust the government to quit trying to cut it down, this is the greatest country on Earth and our government, while it has its problems, is still working for the best of this country. It is time that they received some respect for this instead of the criticism that we are so glad to give.

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