So I have been asked my opinion on the nuclear arms reduction that Obama has been leading. And my answer has been I don't know, because I really have mixed opinions on this subject. But I have been reading the articles and watching the progress that Obama has been making, with both China and Ukraine, and I have decided I am with Obama on this. One thing I will give Obama is that he can really get people to follow him and to listen to him. previous presidents have tried multiple times to reduce or flat out eliminate nuclear weapons from the world stage, but none of these men have succeeded. Reagan was one of the first to propose abolishing nuclear weapons completely while Clinton and George W. Bush both pushed programs intended to reduce the amount of weapons, primarily between the U.S. and Russia. Each was slightly successful but the threat of nuclear war is actually more likely now than it was 10 years ago.The reason behind this is that there are so many sources of material that are just waiting for a terrorist with the time and money to come and build a nuke. I have mentioned before the danger of a attack on Israel, and again I believe that the U.S. has nothing to fear from a direct attack. We are reasonably secure and separated from the terrorists, it would be far easier to just attack one of our allies. Anyways the point is that while we do not have much to fear in terms of a nuclear attack, there are countless others that are at risk. We as "The Worlds Police Force" have a responsibility to use our technology and man power to help and secure these sources of plutonium and uranium. And now with Ukraine stepping forward again and giving up their stockpiles of enriched Uranium we see that countries do still have faith in America and are willing to trust us. Another point that I really appreciate about Obama is that he has done more to tick off China than any president, yet he is still able to go and talk face to face with Hu Jintao and get a agreement from him to impose sanctions against Iran. That is some talent in foreign policy and it shows a mutual respect between the two men, something that George Bush never saw when he was delving into foreign policy. Now my gripe with Obama's foreign policy is his promise to China that he is "sensitive to China’s energy needs” and would work to make sure that Beijing had a steady supply of oil if Iran cut China off in retaliation for joining in severe sanctions. Okay, great, how in the world are we going to do that? We rely on the Middle East for nearly a third of our crude oil, if Iran were to get ticked off enough who is to say that they don't try to close down our oil import too. They have quite a bit of say in the Middle East and at the very least they have the ability to drive the price of gas through the ceiling here. How does Obama propose that we help China when we can not even help ourselves? And not only that but China has done this before, they did it to Bush twice. They would agree to a sanction but when it got to the U.N. board they would use their influence and water it down until it did very little harm to Iran while still making China look like they are trying to help solve the problem that Iran presents. So once again I will say congratulations Obama, and if he is able to secure the the nuclear stockpiles and actually do something more than talk and make verbal agreements I will even say tat he deserves that Nobel Peace Prize. But until Ukraine stockpiles begin moving into Russia, Iran has tough sanctions backed by China, and other countries are beginning to follow Ukraine's steps. Once all of that begins then I will say that Obama deserves a place as a great president, maybe not the best for America, but what the world needed. And maybe my children and grandchildren will be able to live without the thought of a nuclear war or even such weapons.
So there it is, when I tried to explain this to one person I was called a flaming Liberal, perhaps... But this was Reagan's dream too...
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